How to Resolve AdSense GDPR Compliance Issues for Your Website: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is paramount for websites. Many sites encounter challenges in this regard, leading to potential penalties and reputational damage. This guide will delve into the root causes of these issues and provide a step-by-step solution to resolve them effectively.

Step: 1 Understanding the Problem

A common issue faced by websites is the premature loading of cookies and analytics scripts before users provide their consent. This triggers Google Adsense to flag the violation, resulting in reduced ad revenue. The underlying reasons for this problem can vary, but often stem from improper installation of ad scripts or consent mechanisms.

Step: 2 Identifying the Culprits

To address this issue, it is crucial to identify the specific cookies and scripts that are loading without consent. This can be achieved by visiting your website in incognito mode and recording the elements that appear before consent is granted.

Step: 3 Locating the Source

Once the problematic elements have been identified, the next step is to locate their source within your plugins, theme, or website builder. This involves searching for the code that triggers the loading of these scripts.

Step: 4 Creating a Blocking Script Or using a CMP

To prevent the premature loading of these elements, you will need to create a custom JavaScript script that blocks them until consent is obtained. This script should be placed in the appropriate location within your website’s code.

Alternatively, you can utilize Google’s Site Kit to manage consent, or consider using premium or free CMPs (Consent Management Platforms).

Step: 5 Implementing the Consent Policy

In addition to blocking scripts, it is essential to implement a robust consent policy that complies with GDPR requirements. Google provides a default consent policy that can be utilized for this purpose.

Step: 6 Clearing the Cache

After making any changes to your website’s code, it is important to clear the cache to ensure that the updates take effect.


By following these steps, you can effectively resolve GDPR compliance issues on your website and avoid potential penalties. Remember, ensuring compliance is not only a legal obligation but also a crucial step towards protecting your users’ privacy and maintaining the integrity of your online presence.

If you encounter any difficulties in implementing these solutions, do not hesitate to contact SystemFreaks. Our team of experts can assist you in resolving GDPR compliance issues and ensuring the smooth operation of your website.