BLESTA & WHMCS Page Builder Plugin

Grape is a drag-and-drop page builder for Blesta & WHMCS. This plugin helps you create beautiful pages using a visual editor.

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The First drag-and-drop page builder for

Live Drag & Drop Editor

Effortlessly create and customize your website using our intuitive drag-and-drop editor. Our plugin supports both Blesta and WHMCS, allowing you to choose from a range of templates or import your own HTML designs for conversion into dynamic blocks. This seamless integration guarantees a coding-free experience, ensuring your website is both functional and visually stunning.

Create SEO friendly pages

Our plugin is engineered to make creating new pages for your hosting services straightforward and efficient. With a focus on SEO, we ensure that your Blesta and WHMCS pages not only look great but also perform well in search engine rankings. Our user-friendly plugin simplifies the process, making it easy to develop SEO-friendly pages without any technical complexities.

Custom Integrations

Grape theme & template builder enhances your web development capabilities by allowing developers to extend functionality or integrate bespoke features into your products. Our versatile plugin supports custom logic and code, giving you the freedom to tailor your site to your unique requirements.

Responsive design

Grape theme & template builder is equipped with all the tools necessary to optimize your site for an exceptional viewing experience across all devices. Our responsive design ensures your Blesta and WHMCS templates are adaptable, providing a seamless user experience regardless of the device used. Additional device-specific customization options are readily available to further enhance your site's responsiveness.